> 耐品图片管理系统 标准版A > 耐品图片管理系统 标准版A/CodePut.asp

    <!--#Include File="Head.asp"-->
' 著作权号:中国国家版权局著作权登记号2004SR07385
' 版权所有:深圳市耐品科技开发有限公司
' 联系电话:0755-26611119 81234844 81234845
' 联系手机:13316911914
' 联系邮箱

''@	耐品网站管理系统首页调用
''@ 适用版本:V 200605
''@ 官方网址:
''@ 程序作者:Lyout
''@ 更新日期:2006-05-08
Dim Temp_CodeTemplates
''@ 设置外部调用限制
Const LockUrl = ""
''@ 说明:只允许调用网址,要以"HTTP://"开头,为空则不限制所有外部调用.(可允许多网址限制,要以","分隔。)
''@ 使用:例如只允许此两个网址调用: lockurl=","
''@ 设置临时文件名
Temp_CodeTemplates = "Templates/Temp_CodeTemplates.config"	'临时文件名可自行修改。该文件可以随时删除清理。

If CheckServer(Lockurl)=False then
	OutPut "数据被保护,禁止被其他站点调用!"
End If
Dim NewsConfigFile,SQL
Dim XmlDoc,Node,NewsMainStr
NewsConfigFile = "Templates/CodeTemplates.config"

Call LoadXml()
Call Page_Main()
Call CloseFile()

Sub LoadXml()
	NewsConfigFile = Server.MapPath(NewsConfigFile)
	Temp_CodeTemplates = Server.MapPath(Temp_CodeTemplates)
	Set XmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
	XmlDoc.Async = False
	If Not XmlDoc.load(NewsConfigFile) Then
		XmlDoc.loadxml "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""gb2312""?><NewscodeInfo/>"
	End If
End Sub

'Response.Write "<br>页面执行时间 "&FormatNumber((Timer()-Startime)*1000,5)&" 毫秒"
Sub Page_Main()
	Dim GetName
	GetName = Lcase(Request.QueryString("Name"))
	If GetName = "" Then
		OutPut "参数错误,调用已中止!"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Set Node = XmlDoc.DocumentElement.selectSingleNode("NewsCode[@NewsName='"&GetName&"']")
	If (Node is nothing) Then
		OutPut "设置数据不存在,调用已中止!"
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Dim UpdateTime,LastTime
	UpdateTime = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("UpdateTime"))
	LastTime = Node.getAttribute("LastTime")
	If UpdateTime>0 and IsDate(LastTime) Then
		If Datediff("s",LastTime,now()) > UpdateTime Then
			Call UpNewsData()
			Call SaveData()
			Call LoadNewsData()
		End If
		Call UpNewsData()
	End If
	Call ShowData()
End Sub

Sub CloseFile()
	Set XmlDoc = Nothing
End Sub

Sub ShowData()
	If NewsMainStr <>"" Then
		OutPut NewsMainStr
	End If
End Sub

Sub SaveData()
	If NewsMainStr = "" Then Exit Sub
	Node.Attributes.getNamedItem("LastTime").Text = Now() NewsConfigFile
	Dim TempXmlDoc,TempXml_Nodes,attributes,ChildNode,createCDATASection
	Set TempXmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
	TempXmlDoc.Async = False
	If Not TempXmlDoc.load(Temp_CodeTemplates) Then
		TempXmlDoc.loadxml "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""gb2312""?><TempNewsData/>"
	End If
	Set TempXml_Nodes = TempXmlDoc.DocumentElement.selectSingleNode("NewsData[@NewsName='"&Node.getAttribute("NewsName")&"']")
	If Not (TempXml_Nodes is nothing) Then
	End If
	Set TempXml_Nodes = XmlDoc.createNode(1,"NewsData","")
	Set attributes = TempXmlDoc.createAttribute("NewsName")
	attributes.text = Node.getAttribute("NewsName")
	Set ChildNode = TempXmlDoc.createNode(1,"Temp_Data","")
	Set createCDATASection=TempXmlDoc.createCDATASection(NewsMainStr)
	TempXmlDoc.documentElement.appendChild(TempXml_Nodes) Temp_CodeTemplates
	Set TempXmlDoc = Nothing
End Sub

Sub LoadNewsData()
	Dim TempXmlDoc,TempXml_Nodes
	Set TempXmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
	TempXmlDoc.Async = False
	If Not TempXmlDoc.load(Temp_CodeTemplates) Then
		Call UpNewsData()
		Call SaveData()
		Exit Sub
	End If
	Set TempXml_Nodes = TempXmlDoc.DocumentElement.selectSingleNode("NewsData[@NewsName='"&Node.getAttribute("NewsName")&"']")
	If Not (TempXml_Nodes is nothing) Then
		NewsMainStr = TempXml_Nodes.selectSingleNode("Temp_Data").text
		Call UpNewsData()
		Call SaveData()
	End If
	Set TempXmlDoc = Nothing
End Sub

Sub OutPut(Strings)
	Response.Write "document.write('"&Strings&"');"&vbNewline
End Sub

Sub UpNewsData()
	Dim NewsType,Rs
	NewsType = Node.getAttribute("NewsType")
	If InStr(",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,11,",","&NewsType&",") Then
		Set Rs = Conn.Execute(Node.selectSingleNode("Search").text)
		If Not Rs.Eof Then
			SQL = Rs.GetRows(-1)
			OutPut Node.getAttribute("EmptyText")
			Exit Sub
		End If
		Set Rs = Nothing
	End If
	Select Case NewsType
		Case "1" : Call NewsType_1() '文章调用
		Case "2" : Call NewsType_2() '图片调用
		Case "3" : Call NewsType_3() '公告调用
		Case "4" : Call NewsType_4() '专题调用
		Case "5" : Call NewsType_5() '分类调用
		Case "6" : Call NewsType_6() '友情连接调用
		Case "7" : Call NewsType_7() '首页大图调用
		Case "8" : Call NewsType_8() '登录调用
		Case "9","10" : Call NewsType_910() '广告调用
		Case "11" : Call NewsType_11() '顶部连接调用
		Case Else
			OutPut "调用类型不存在,调用已中止!"
			Exit Sub
	End Select
	NewsMainStr = Fixjs(NewsMainStr)
End Sub

Sub NewsType_1()
	Dim Skin_Main
	Dim Rs,i,j
	Dim Topic,TopicLen,ClassID,SpecialID
	Dim ClassName,ClassInfo,SpecialName
	TopicLen = Node.getAttribute("TopicLen")
	If Not Isnumeric(TopicLen) or TopicLen = "" Then
		TopicLen = 20
		TopicLen = Cint(TopicLen)
	End If
	Dim Board_Input(4,2)
	Board_Input(0,0) = 20
	Board_Input(1,0) = 100
	Board_Input(2,0) = 20

	For i = 0 To 2
		Board_Input(i,1) = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input"&i).text
		Board_Input(i,1) = Netout.CheckNumeric(Board_Input(i,1))
		If Board_Input(i,1) = 0 Then Board_Input(i,1) = Board_Input(i,0)
	Board_Input(3,1) = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input3").text
	Dim Columns
	Columns = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("Columns"))
	If Columns = 0 Then Columns = 1
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
	For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) Step Columns
		For j = 0 To Columns - 1
			If i+j>Ubound(SQL,2) Then Exit For

			Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text
			ClassName = ""
			ClassInfo = ""
			SpecialName = ""
			Topic = SQL(3,i+j)
			If Netout.strLength(Topic)>TopicLen then
				Topic = Netout.CutStr(Topic,TopicLen)&"..."
			End if
			ClassID = SQL(1,i+j)
			Rs.Open "Select ClassName,ClassIntro From Nt_ArtClassName Where ID="&ClassID,Conn,1,1
			If Not Rs.Eof Then
				ClassName = Rs(0):ClassInfo = Rs(1)
			End If
			If Netout.strLength(ClassName)>Board_Input(0,1) Then
				ClassName = Netout.CutStr(ClassName,Board_Input(0,1))&"..."
			End If
			If Netout.strLength(ClassInfo)>Board_Input(1,1) Then
				ClassInfo = Netout.CutStr(ClassInfo,Board_Input(1,1))&"..."
			End If
			SpecialID = SQL(2,i+j)
			Rs.Open "Select SpecialName From Nt_ArtSpecial Where ID="&SpecialID,Conn,1,1
			If Not Rs.Eof Then
				SpecialName = Rs(0)
			End If
			If Netout.strLength(SpecialName)>Board_Input(2,1) Then
				SpecialName = Netout.CutStr(SpecialName,Board_Input(2,1))&"..."
			End If
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ID}",SQL(0,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?Title}",Topic)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?UserName}",SQL(6,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?AddTime}",Netout.FormatTime(SQL(7,i+j),Node.getAttribute("FormatTime")))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassName}",ClassName)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassInfo}",ClassInfo)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?SpecialName}",SpecialName)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassID}",ClassID)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?SpecialID}",SpecialID)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
		NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Board_Input(3,1)
	Set Rs = Nothing
	NewsMainStr = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Head").text & NewsMainStr & Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Footer").text
End Sub

Sub NewsType_2()
	Dim Skin_Main,ImageType
	Dim Rs,i,j
	ImageType = Node.getAttribute("ImageType")
	Dim Board_Input(6,2)
	Board_Input(0,0) = 20
	Board_Input(1,0) = 100
	Board_Input(2,0) = 20
	Board_Input(3,0) = 100
	Board_Input(4,0) = 20

	For i = 0 To 4
		Board_Input(i,1) = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input"&i).text
		Board_Input(i,1) = Netout.CheckNumeric(Board_Input(i,1))
		If Board_Input(i,1) = 0 Then Board_Input(i,1) = Board_Input(i,0)
	Board_Input(5,1) = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input5").text
	Dim PicWidth,PicHeight,ImageSize,ImageCode,Columns
	Dim ImageID,TitleID,ClassID,SpecialID,Thumbnail,RootPath
	Dim TitleName,TitleInfo,ClassName,ClassInfo,SpecialName
	PicWidth = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("PicWidth"))
	PicHeight = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("PicHeight"))
	Thumbnail = Node.getAttribute("Thumbnail")
	If PicWidth = 0 Then PicWidth = CInt(Config.Settings(5))
	If PicHeight = 0 Then PicHeight = CInt(Config.Settings(6))
	If Config.WaterMark(0) = "1" Then
		If PicWidth>CInt(Config.Settings(5)) Or PicHeight>CInt(Config.Settings(6)) Then
			If Config.Settings(18) = "1" Then
				RootPath = Config.SystemUrl&"Show.asp?s=i&f="
				RootPath = Config.SystemUrl&Config.ImagePath(1)
			End If
			RootPath = Config.SystemUrl&Config.ImagePath(2)
		End If
		If Config.Settings(18) = "1" Then
			RootPath = Config.SystemUrl&"Show.asp?s=s&f="
			RootPath = Config.SystemUrl&Config.ImagePath(0)
		End If
	End If
	Dim ThumbnailSize
	If Thumbnail = "1" Then
		ImageSize = " width="&PicWidth&" height="&PicHeight
	End If
	Columns = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("Columns"))
	If Columns = 0 Then Columns = 1
	Set iRs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
	Set Rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.RecordSet")
	For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) Step Columns
		For j = 0 To Columns - 1
			If i+j>Ubound(SQL,2) Then Exit For
			Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text
			ClassName = ""
			ClassInfo = ""
			SpecialName = ""
			TitleName = SQL(3,i+j)
			If Netout.strLength(TitleName)>Board_Input(0,1) then
				TitleName = Netout.CutStr(TitleName,Board_Input(0,1))&"..."
			End if
			TitleInfo = SQL(4,i+j)
			If Netout.strLength(TitleInfo)>Board_Input(1,1) then
				TitleInfo = Netout.CutStr(TitleInfo,Board_Input(1,1))&"..."
			End if
			ClassID = SQL(1,i+j)
			Rs.Open "Select ClassName,ClassIntro From Nt_ClassName Where ID="&ClassID,Conn,1,1
			If Not Rs.Eof Then
				ClassName = Rs(0):ClassInfo = Rs(1)
			End If
			If Netout.strLength(ClassName)>Board_Input(2,1) Then
				ClassName = Netout.CutStr(ClassName,Board_Input(2,1))&"..."
			End If
			If Netout.strLength(ClassInfo)>Board_Input(3,1) Then
				ClassInfo = Netout.CutStr(ClassInfo,Board_Input(3,1))&"..."
			End If
			SpecialID = SQL(2,i+j)
			Rs.Open "Select SpecialName From Nt_ArtSpecial Where ID="&SpecialID,Conn,1,1
			If Not Rs.Eof Then
				SpecialName = Rs(0)
			End If
			If Netout.strLength(SpecialName)>Board_Input(4,1) Then
				SpecialName = Netout.CutStr(SpecialName,Board_Input(4,1))&"..."
			End If
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?TitleID}",SQL(0,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?TitleName}",TitleName)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?TitleInfo}",TitleInfo)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassID}",ClassID)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassName}",ClassName)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassInfo}",ClassInfo)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?SpecialID}",SpecialID)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?SpecialName}",SpecialName)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?UserName}",SQL(5,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ManuName}",SQL(6,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?AddTime}",Netout.FormatTime(SQL(9,i+j),Node.getAttribute("FormatTime")))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?UpdateTime}",Netout.FormatTime(SQL(10,i+j),Node.getAttribute("FormatTime")))
			If ImageType = "0" Then
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?Click}",SQL(7,i+j))
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ImageCount}",SQL(8,i+j))
				iRs.Open "Select Top 1 [ID],ImageFile,ImageSize,ImageType from Nt_ImgBook Where TitleID="&SQL(0,i+j)&" and Passed=1 and IsHide=0 Order By [ID] Desc",Conn,1,1
				If Thumbnail = "0" Then
					ThumbnailSize = Split(iRs("Imagesize")&",",",")
					ImageSize = Netout.TrueSize(ThumbnailSize(0),ThumbnailSize(1),PicWidth,PicHeight)
				End If
				ImageCode = "<IMG border=0 vspace=2 hspace=2 SRC="""&RootPath&iRs(1)&""" style=""border: 1 solid #000000"""&ImageSize&">"
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ImageType}",iRs(2))
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ImageID}",iRs(0))
				If Thumbnail = "0" Then
					ThumbnailSize = Split(SQL(14,i+j)&",",",")
					ImageSize = Netout.TrueSize(ThumbnailSize(0),ThumbnailSize(1),PicWidth,PicHeight)
				End If
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ImageType}",SQL(11,i+j))
				ImageCode = "<IMG border=0 vspace=2 hspace=2 SRC="""&RootPath&SQL(13,i+j)&""" style=""border: 1 solid #000000"""&ImageSize&">"
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ImageID}",SQL(12,i+j))
			End If
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ImageCode}",ImageCode)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
		NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Board_Input(5,1)
	Set Rs = Nothing
	Set iRs = Nothing
	NewsMainStr = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Head").text & NewsMainStr & Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Footer").text
End Sub

Sub NewsType_3()
	Dim Skin_Main
	Dim Rs,i,j
	Dim Topic,TopicLen
	TopicLen = Node.getAttribute("TopicLen")
	If Not Isnumeric(TopicLen) or TopicLen = "" Then
		TopicLen = 20
		TopicLen = Cint(TopicLen)
	End If
	Dim Board_Input
	Board_Input = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input0").text
	Dim Columns
	Columns = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("Columns"))
	If Columns = 0 Then Columns = 1
	For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) Step Columns
		For j = 0 To Columns - 1
			If i+j>Ubound(SQL,2) Then Exit For

			Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text
			Topic = SQL(1,i+j)
			If Netout.strLength(Topic)>TopicLen then
				Topic = Netout.CutStr(Topic,TopicLen)&"..."
			End if
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ID}",SQL(0,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?Title}",Topic)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?AddTime}",Netout.FormatTime(SQL(2,i+j),Node.getAttribute("FormatTime")))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
		NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Board_Input
	Set Rs = Nothing
	NewsMainStr = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Head").text & NewsMainStr & Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Footer").text
End Sub

Sub NewsType_4()
	Dim Skin_Main
	Dim Rs,i,j
	Dim SpecialName,TopicLen,Board_Input,Columns,ShowType
	TopicLen = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("TopicLen"))
	If TopicLen = 0 Then TopicLen = 20

	ShowType = Node.getAttribute("ShowType")
	If ShowType = "0" Then
		Columns = 1
		Board_Input = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input0").text
		Columns = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("Columns"))
		If Columns = 0 Then Columns = 1
	End If
	For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) Step Columns
		For j = 0 To Columns - 1
			If i+j>Ubound(SQL,2) Then Exit For

			Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text
			SpecialName = SQL(1,i+j)
			If ShowType = "1" Then
				If Netout.strLength(SpecialName)>TopicLen then
					SpecialName = Netout.CutStr(SpecialName,TopicLen)&"..."
				End if
			End If
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassID}",SQL(0,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?SpecialName}",SpecialName)
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
		NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Board_Input
	Set Rs = Nothing
	NewsMainStr = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Head").text & NewsMainStr & Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Footer").text
End Sub

Sub NewsType_5()
	Dim Skin_Main
	Dim Rs,i,j
	Dim ShowType
	ShowType = Node.getAttribute("ShowType")
	If ShowType = "0" Then
		Dim Line(20),strLine,Depth
		For i=0 To 20
			Line(i) = False

		For i = 0 To Ubound(SQL,2)
			Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text
			Depth = SQL(3,i)
			IF CLng(SQL(4,i))>0 Then
			End If		

			strLine = ""
			IF Depth>0 Then
				For j=1 To Depth
					strLine = strLine & "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
					If j=Depth Then
						If CLng(SQL(4,i))>0 Then strLine = strLine & "├&nbsp;" Else strLine = strLine & "└&nbsp;"
						If Line(j)=True Then strLine = strLine & "│" Else strLine = strLine & "&nbsp;"
					End If
			End If
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassID}",SQL(0,i))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassName}",strLine&SQL(2,i))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ParentID}",SQL(1,i))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?target}",SQL(5,i))			
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
		Dim Columns,Board_Input,ClassName,TopicLen
		Columns = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("Columns"))
		If Columns = 0 Then Columns = 1
		TopicLen = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("TopicLen"))
		If TopicLen = 0 Then TopicLen = 20
		Board_Input = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input0").text

		For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) Step Columns
			For j = 0 To Columns - 1
				If i+j>Ubound(SQL,2) Then Exit For
				Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text
				ClassName = SQL(2,i+j)
				If Netout.strLength(ClassName)>TopicLen then
					ClassName = Netout.CutStr(ClassName,TopicLen)&"..."
				End if
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassID}",SQL(0,i+j))
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ClassName}",ClassName)
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ParentID}",SQL(1,i+j))
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?target}",SQL(5,i+j))			
				Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
				NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Board_Input
	End If
	NewsMainStr = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Head").text & NewsMainStr & Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Footer").text
End Sub

Sub NewsType_6()
	Dim Skin_Main
	Dim Rs,i,j
	Dim Board_Input,Columns

	Board_Input = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input0").text

	Columns = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("Columns"))
	If Columns = 0 Then Columns = 1
	For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) Step Columns
		For j = 0 To Columns - 1
			If i+j>Ubound(SQL,2) Then Exit For

			Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?LinkUrl}",SQL(1,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?LogoUrl}",SQL(2,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?LinkName}",SQL(0,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?LinkInfo}",SQL(3,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
		NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Board_Input
	Set Rs = Nothing
	NewsMainStr = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Head").text & NewsMainStr & Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Footer").text
End Sub

Sub NewsType_7()
	Dim Skin_Main
	Dim Rs,i,j
	Dim Board_Input,Columns

	Board_Input = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input0").text

	Columns = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("Columns"))
	If Columns = 0 Then Columns = 1
	For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) Step Columns
		For j = 0 To Columns - 1
			If i+j>Ubound(SQL,2) Then Exit For

			Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text

			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?LinkUrl}",SQL(0,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ImageFile}",Config.SystemUrl&SQL(1,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?ImageInfo}",SQL(2,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
		NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Board_Input
	Set Rs = Nothing
	NewsMainStr = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Head").text & NewsMainStr & Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Footer").text
End Sub

Sub NewsType_8()
	Dim Main_Html,i
	If Netout.UserName = "" Then
		Main_Html = Node.selectSingleNode("UserLogin").text
		Main_Html = Replace(Main_Html,"{?CheckCode}",Netout.GetCode())
		Dim TitleCount,ImageCount,ArticleCount
		TitleCount   = Conn.Execute("Select Count(TitleID) from Nt_Title Where TitleUser='"&Netout.UserName&"'")(0)
		ImageCount   = Conn.Execute("Select Sum(iCount) from Nt_Title Where TitleUser='"&Netout.UserName&"'")(0)
		ArticleCount = Conn.Execute("Select Count(ID) from Nt_Diary Where DiaryUser='"&Netout.UserName&"'")(0)
		ImageCount   = Netout.CheckNumeric(ImageCount)
		Main_Html = Node.selectSingleNode("UserInfo").text
		Main_Html = Replace(Main_Html,"{?UserName}",Netout.UserName)
		Main_Html = Replace(Main_Html,"{?UserGroup}",Netout.GetCookie("Group"))
		Main_Html = Replace(Main_Html,"{?TitleCount}",TitleCount)
		Main_Html = Replace(Main_Html,"{?ImageCount}",ImageCount)
		Main_Html = Replace(Main_Html,"{?ArticleCount}",ArticleCount)
		arrSetting = Split(Netout.GetCookie("Setting"),",")
		NewSetting = arrSetting(0)
		For i = 1 To 6
			NewSetting = NewSetting&","&arrSetting(i)
		NewSetting = NewSetting&","&arrSetting(10)
		Main_Html = Replace(Main_Html,"{?Purview}",NewSetting)
	End If
	Main_Html = Replace(Main_Html,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
	NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Main_Html
End Sub

Sub NewsType_910()
	Dim ShowType,PicWidth,PicHeight
	ShowType = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("ShowType"))
	PicWidth = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("PicWidth"))
	PicHeight = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("PicHeight"))
	If PicWidth = 0 Or PicHeight = 0 Then
		Select Case ShowType
		Case 1
			PicWidth = Config.Settings(37)
			PicHeight = Config.Settings(38)
		Case 2
			PicWidth = Config.Settings(39)
			PicHeight = Config.Settings(40)
		Case 3
			PicWidth = Config.Settings(41)
			PicHeight = Config.Settings(42)
		Case 4
			PicWidth = Config.Settings(35)
			PicHeight = Config.Settings(36)
		Case 5
			PicWidth = 88
			PicHeight = 31
		End Select
	End If
	Main_Html = Netout.GetImage(ShowType,PicWidth,PicHeight)
	If Main_Html="" Then Main_Html = Node.getAttribute("EmptyText")
	NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Main_Html
End Sub

Sub NewsType_11()
	Dim Skin_Main
	Dim Rs,i,j
	Dim Board_Input,Columns

	Board_Input = Node.selectSingleNode("Board_Input0").text

	Columns = Netout.CheckNumeric(Node.getAttribute("Columns"))
	If Columns = 0 Then Columns = 1
	For i=0 To Ubound(SQL,2) Step Columns
		For j = 0 To Columns - 1
			If i+j>Ubound(SQL,2) Then Exit For

			Skin_Main = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Main").text
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?LinkName}",SQL(0,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?LinkUrl}",SQL(1,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?target}",SQL(2,i+j))
			Skin_Main = Replace(Skin_Main,"{?StyleID}",Netout.CssFilePath)
			NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Skin_Main
		NewsMainStr = NewsMainStr & Board_Input
	Set Rs = Nothing
	NewsMainStr = Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Head").text & NewsMainStr & Node.selectSingleNode("Skin_Footer").text
End Sub

Function Fixjs(Strings)
	Dim Str
	Str = Strings
	str = Replace(str, CHR(39), "\'")
	str = Replace(str, CHR(13), "")
	str = Replace(str, CHR(10), "")
	str = Replace(str, "]]>","]]&gt;")
	Fixjs = str
End Function

Function CheckServer(str)
	Dim i,servername
	If str="" Then
		CheckServer = True
		Exit Function
		CheckServer = False
	End If
	For i=0 to Ubound(str)
	If Right(str(i),1)="/" Then str(i)=left(Trim(str(i)),Len(str(i))-1)
		If Lcase(left(servername,Len(str(i))))=Lcase(str(i)) then
			checkserver = True
			Exit For
			checkserver = False
		End if
End Function